They shall not be lacking

The Lord told Jehoiakim that he was not fulfilling the duties of a king simply by living in a palace. Therefore, God said that He would take matters into His own Hands. “I will gather the remnant of My flock out of all countries where I have driven them, and bring them back to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase. I will set up shepherds over them who will feed them; and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, nor shall they be lacking,” says the Lord,” (Jeremiah 23: 3-4).  These are precious promises and words of encouragement for kingdom citizens. The first encouragement that kingdom citizens can take from the words of the Lord is that regardless of where you are living, you remain a valued member of the Lord’s flock. The psalmist David spoke of feeling the presence of God wherever he went (Psalm 139: 7-12) and as people living in unfriendly and even hostile environments, it is comforting to know that there is always a place for you in the Shepherd’s fold. The Shepherd is not just providing accommodation for the sheep; He promises that when the sheep return to the folds He has provided for them, they will flourish. For people, who may feel a sense of disappointment with their lives, God promises a bright and glorious future. Many of us will have experienced poor leadership; it could be someone who feels the need to micromanage and criticise everything you do. Equally, it could be someone who has no real care for the people he or she is supposed to lead and consequently, they act like an absentee landlord, and just leave you to get on with things. When the Lord is your Shepherd, He provides you with compassionate leadership. He calls you His flock and therefore He entrusts your care to people who will nurture and support you. When you are safe in the fold of the Divine Shepherd, you will no longer feel afraid of anything or anyone because He is your Protector, and He will give you an abiding sense of peace and security. However, the most precious promise is that the Shepherd will ensure that His precious flock will not want for anything because He will provide everything they need.

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