Then it was well

After opening a difficult conversation, Jeremiah proceeded to give Jehoiakim further opportunities to reflect. “Did not your father eat and drink, and do justice and righteousness? Then it was well with him. He judged the cause of the poor and needy; then it was well. Was not this knowing Me?” says the Lord,” (Jeremiah 22: 15-16).  Jeremiah invited Jehoiakim to remember the ways of his father Josiah. Josiah found it possible to be good to other people, even whilst taking care of himself. Jeremiah explained that this goodness was what moved God to bless Josiah. Then, Jeremiah asked Jehoiakim the difficult question, what does knowing God actually mean? Jehoiakim may have grown up in Josiah’s household hearing messages from his father about doing what is right. While Jehoiakim may not have been averse to the idea of goodness, Jeremiah had already noted that he did not practise it. Jehoiakim was more interested in living a flamboyant lifestyle and letting everyone know that he deserved a luxurious palace because he was the king. Jeremiah had reminded Jehoiakim that living in a palace did not make him a king; any more than in the language of today, standing in a garage does not make you a car. Jeremiah was saying that it is possible to care for yourself and for others simultaneously.  Jeremiah noted that God blessed Josiah for his righteousness. Jeremiah asked Jehoiakim to identify what made his father Josiah someone who truly knew God. Just in case Jehoiakim found this difficult to pinpoint, Jeremiah repeated, “He gave justice and help to the poor and needy and everything went well for him. Is not that what it means to know Me?” What does knowing God mean to you? Jesus said that you can tell who knows God by how they treat poor, hungry, homeless and sick people and those on the margins of society. Jesus claims these marginalised people as His brothers and sisters (Matthew 25: 34-36). Jesus added that if you look after His precious siblings it is equivalent to looking after Him. Do you want things to go well for you? “Let us not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time, we will reap a harvest of blessing if we do not give up,” (Galatians 6: 9).

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