See His Hand

Hannah had spent years suffering the taunts of her husband’s other wife, Peninnah because Hannah was childless and Peninnah had several children. In response to these verbal attacks, Hannah prayed to the Lord for a son and He had answered with the gift of her son, Samuel. When Hannah went to the temple to bring Samuel to enter the service of the Lord, as she had promised, she prayed, “My heart rejoices in the Lord. I smile at my enemies because I rejoice in Your salvation. Even the barren has borne seven; the Lord brings low and lifts up. He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the beggar from the ash heap, to set them among princes and make them inherit the throne of glory,” (1 Samuel 2: 1; 5; 7-8).  Hannah’s words are powerful. They make a profound impression because on the day that she gave up her son, Hannah was rejoicing. How could Hannah rejoice? Had she not spent time crying and praying for this child? Yet here she was going home without Samuel with a song and prayer in her heart. Hannah could do this for a few reasons. First, she had received her vindication from the Lord. People may call you barren or describe you as being a “has-been”, when you know what the Lord has done in your life, you can afford to smile at your enemies. You can return your blessing to the Lord because He blesses exceedingly, abundantly above all you could ever ask or think (Ephesians 3: 20). Hannah, the “barren woman” asked for one child and the Lord gave her seven. Hannah could also rejoice because the Lord lifted her up. Hannah recognised that the Lord specialises in reversals. You should recognise this too. God knows how to exalt the weak. If you are weak or in a low place now, wait humbly before God and in due time, He will elevate you. Finally, Hannah could rejoice in the Lord because she saw the Hand of God at work in her life. Let them call you barren, unfruitful, infertile or much worse. One day you will smile at those who insulted and humiliated you, as God elevates you to your royal position in His everlasting kingdom and you inherit your throne of glory.

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