Saved by His Presence

Jacob had spent several years living at the home of his uncle, where he had worked in the family business and he had become a wealthy man with two wives and several children. At the height of his success, the Lord appeared to Jacob and told him to go back home. Without the slightest suggestion of hesitation, Jacob told his family to pack their bags and prepare for the long journey back to Bethel. Jacob shared the reasons for his swift response to God’s call with his family.  “Come, let us go up to Bethel, where I will build an altar to God, who answered me in the day of my distress and who has been with me wherever I have gone,” (Genesis 35: 1-3). Jacob could have ignored the call of God, after all, he was doing well and he had no reason to return home to a difficult situation with his brother. Why would God call Jacob, when he was doing just fine and tell him to return to Bethel? Bethel was the place of uncomfortable memories. The Lord had appeared to Jacob at Bethel, when he was on the run from Esau. Why would God want to revisit this particular bit of family history? God appeared to Jacob at Bethel, when he was in distress. Furthermore, the Lord did not just show up, He answered Jacob’s cries for help. The Lord made a promise to His people, when He told them that they would be returning to Judah. After telling them not to be afraid, God gave His people one good reason to attempt every difficult thing He told them to do. “For I AM with you,’ says the Lord, ‘to save you,” (Jeremiah 30: 11). If you are afraid of anything, or anyone, and that fear is stopping you from moving forward, remember God’s words. Even if you do fall, or make a mistake, God is right there to save you. Are you sending out distress signals, hoping that God will take note of them and spring into action on your behalf? God promises His children that He will give them victory, when they turn to Him in their times of distress. The Lord’s requirement of you is that you remember His divine intervention and acknowledge that His Presence has been with you wherever you have gone.

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